
Physical properties

Hi! You are thinking now stars are so beautiful and why? Oh! This is very convenient! But what materials are used? It`s realm of cosmology and I`ll show you them.

The color of stars is determined by the temperature and the color becomes blue, light blue, white, sour orange, yellow, sour orange, and red. It`s categorized ( Anie. J. Canon. 1863~1941) as O, B, A, G, K, M, R, N, S types in order. ( a famous phrase to remember the order ”Oh, Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me Right Now, Sweet”) It`s originally categorized in order “A, B, C, ・・・” by its identity but finally divided 10 rooms and arranged in order of higher temperature, thus it`s in this order. Which color did you think the most high temperature? Maybe red? As you know as long as this blog, it`s blue. The colors are determined different reason in planets and fixed star. On planets, they reflect light from fixed star and the color is its surface. The Earth has atmosphere on the surface and it reflects blue so the Earth is blue. However, fixed stars get off light. If you heats wire, it will get off the red light at first and gradually the color changes to white then blue. ( this step of its temperature is over 10000K!) the light is called spectrum. The fixed stars do nuclear reaction and the atoms become heavier one, as the hydrogen to helium to ・・to iron. Iron is the most steady atom chemically. A bigger and heaver one has higher energy and higher temperature so it`s bright and the color is tend to be blue. In contrast, a smaller and lower one do less nuclear reaction so it has hydrogen in the most high ratio and become a “red giant”, which is filled with mostly gas, low energy, but is gigantic so is seen as a red star.

A interesting story, why a high mass star has so high energy? It relate to science. The higher mass a star has, the heaver gravity it has. The nuclear reaction occur when the one nucleus close enough to the other one. Usually they resist each other electric power. An organization of atom is the protons are inner and electrons are outer so if you make two of them close, they react strong power and you have to add very high energy. However, a gravity of gigantic mass made it possible. When the nucleus close enough, nuclear force, a so strong but takes so short range that of minus 15th powers of 10m, is taken.( I`ll explain the details of these power next week, wait a minutes) therefore, the high mass causes the more intensely nuclear reaction, get off the higher energy. BUT, it`s not anyways good to have high mass. The nuclear reaction takes fuel, the more intensely nuclear reaction occur, the more early fuels are taken away. A living time of star, the 10 times of mass of sun is said about 2,600 million years but sun is said 10 billion years.

Just like a living way of human! I`ll live bright but long! see you next week:)



Hello everybody!
This week I`ll let you know what the holes of cosmos that black hole, worm hole and white hole are.

Black hole is a star which is too massive to hold its own size. Fixed stars finally become those 3 forms that is white dwarf, neutron star and black hole rely on its mass. In this article, the base of mass unit is the mass of the sun.
In cases that mass of a fixed star is over 8 times of sun`s, the star cannot but collapsing because of too heavy gravity what is called “Gravitational collapse”. That mass is over 10 times of sun`s, the star finally become a neutron star. The manufacturing process of neutron star is similar to that of black hole. Its heavy mass make a proton capture an electron, then they erase their electric power each other, assimilate and become a neutron. This is an awful incident because something can shape in this size through the size of atoms which most depend on the distance between proton and electron. But without it, the size of atom had changed to a neutron become about 10,000 times smaller at least.  For an easy example, like the Tokyo dome is miniaturized to ping- pong ball. For such a reason,  a too heavy star at last shrink dramatically( then the star give off gigantic energy what is called super nova) and become a neutron star or a black hole if that mass is over 30 times of sun`s.

What image do you have for black hole? Maybe a hole which swallow everything around. It`s not exactly because we cannot observe it for reason that light cannot reflect a black hole. But black hole is said to certainly exist and vary, observing such as the motion of around stars. At first, the existence predicted by “general theory of relativity” as a singular point. Black hole is thought to be in event horizon, which is a horizon we can get information then the inside is unknown. Why then, do you know escape velocity? It`s a function of distance and mass, and with so heavy mass it reach the velocity of light. We keep being hold by the source of mass if we cannot reach an escape velocity. So event horizon can be said the range where escape velocity is over the speed of light. In general theory of relativity, light is the fastest in this universe then once enter an event horizon we could never return to the out.
If we close to a black hole, we do not immediately close to event horizon but infinitely take times. Refer to the general theory of relativity again, the speed of passing time would be slower proportionate to the increase of mass. Therefore if I reach an event horizon, you from a distance  will see me as if I stopped there forever in spite of I feel time goes as usual.

Wormhole is the tunnel connects a black hole to a white hole. This and white hole is a only imagination yet now. For black hole have swallowed something, returning the passed time it throw up everything. This hole is a white hole. Where we get to thorough the tunnel is maybe other cosmos or past our cosmos or other dimension we cannot see now.

Cosmos is full of interest and idea, so I love cosmos. Why don`t you?  Then, see you next week!


Birth & Status

Birth & Status
Cosmos exists since 13,700,000,000 years ago, or said so. That`s led from an function of the time. By that function go up we to origin of cosmos, we find a zero, there is nothing anywhere, stars, space, light, even force or time. This is the most complicated and mysterious scientific problem because if really “zero” had existed, our materials like atoms, or electron, proton and neutron, or quarks are where from? Nothing cannot be anything. It`s contradicting the basic conservation law.
A famous theory known to most people as an origin of cosmos, “the Big bang theory” or “the Inflation theory”. That says space is originally a singular point, which has limitless mass, limitless density and the most high temperature (temperature is particle movement. cosmos has no volume but all materials in universe at that time and then expand explosively in the next time, thus “the most.”). the point start expanding with starting time passing. The first expanding was like an explosion (but no sound because there is no carrier) and inflated to the 43rd power of 10 size among the minus 37th power of 10 to minus 35th power of 10 seconds, that is the reason why this theory called “Inflation”.
The theory is advocated by Joge Gamof (1904-1968), an American physicist. It`s based on the fact that the abundance ratio of helium and confirmed by background radiation of the space. The former called “α-β-γ paper” deriving from its author “Ralf Alfer, Hans Bate, Joge Gamof.”. Gamof thought the origin of our elements, saw an explosion of atomic bomb, then inspired the idea that universe began with fire ball. According to observational date, hydrogen and helium exist in ratio of 3 to 1, and this is the proving ratio that the cosmos temperature is 5K ( K: kelvin). It`s account for 98% of all elements in universe since proton, neutron and electron had too high energy (too high heat) to gather and compose an atom. Eventually atoms cannot gather atomic nucleus more than 4(that`s helium) on high density and rarefied. Other elements more than 4 atomic nucleus are created in nuclear functions so most elements are hydrogen and helium. Because of cosmos began with big bang, Gamof predicted that space has still somehow temperature currently and calculated how high it. This phenomenon is called the background radiation of the space. The temperature of space could be gauged by observing electromagnetic wave spread to space uniformly, but then the cosmologist couldn`t enough survey. Ironically, this survey was going on at away from cosmology, at a telegraph company in America.
By the way, If the origin of cosmos is singular point, WHERE it is from? From the view of quantum theory, it is “Fluctuation of nothing”. What is say, the things in this universe is uncertain when out of our sight. So cosmos was unclear whichever exist or not and at a certain time, cosmos inflated. But try thinking, if we live alone, we follow a social rule, buy grocery, meet person. One day we think that social rule are designed by other person, grocery is made for people, person couldn`t exist without parents. Like this, natural laws are designed by absolute existence equal God, God made all materials for him, he could exist without parents. So I think God put a seed of cosmos on our dimension for fun of him.
Only dreaming, thank you for reading :)

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This blog is about cosmos.cosmos is so mysterious that even now incomprehensible, and I`ll write what I think right. So maybe contains wrong thought. Please take care.