
Currently Research

This week, I produce newer mews about cosmos.

1.     the smallest planet in the history
A planet that the size is only 30% of earth had been discovered by space Kepler telescope and the news were presented in 21 Feb 2013. The telescope accurately senses the light and planets interfere the light from the fixed star which is the center of the system, then we can observe the planet by calculating the amount of decreasing light. We cannot observe cosmos directly because they are too far.
 In this far, saying what is good about this discovery, its observational accuracy is great. The first time of discovery of planets out of solar system was in 1995. When the telescope found size of planets was in 2000, from then it gradually become smaller that reach of we can observe taking 10years. In 2013, at length, we can observe the smaller planet than Mercury (the smallest planet in solar system)

2.     the mission of Curiosity
At 6 Aug. 2012, NASA launched Curiosity to Mars to research 4 studies.
First, the existence of life on Mars is.
Second, change of climate.
Third, the research of geology is.
Forth, ready to research by human.
The third may have little sense for you but it is very important. The one of important point is ground which water ran on. Now the Mars have little water but there is ground which seemed to be rivers. Easily speaking, ancient Mars have liquid water which means the environment of Mars was like the currently earth at that time. Curiosity have the system to analyze content of a rock and this system may let us know how the environment like the earth changed to current hard cold environment. Other interesting point is difference of south pole and north pole. The south pole is rocky and covered by countless quarter. On the other hand the north pole is relatively clean, no quarter. The difference means the north pole is newer than south one, but it isn`t known why the one is newer than the another. Curiosity may prove this question.

3.     The inflation of space
As I said sometimes in prior article, the space swells with acceleration. The first discoverer this fact is known as Edwin P. Hubble, an American researcher. However, in fact, there was faster discoverer in Belgium. Georges Lemaitle was. He must have honor and fame of this discovery. Why he didn`t? The reason is ironical. According to Nature (a scientific magazine, 10 Nov. 2011), Lemaitle released the discovery in 1927 at a minor magazine in French, it was the mistake. After 2years, Hubble released the discovery in English and it was known ordinary so that is thought the first article about inflation of space.
By the way, after more 2years, Lemaitle`s article translated in English was released and this could let us know the first discoverer was Lemaitle, but the article lacked the part of swelling space and the velocity. Lemaitle wrote the letter that says he erased the part by himself but some people say the letter was written by Hubble and he erased the part. If so, I and maybe you feel somehow shame to top scientists…

This is the last article in my blog. Great thanks for reading until now. See You until next meet!;)

Rotation of the earth

Stars made themselves by gathering space dust. You might know it but do you know why the stars rotate?  In this universe, there is no static object perfectly. Human, stones, the earth, even the central of our solar system, the sun is moving with very high kinetic energy. Thus most of researchers believe that the origin of cosmos was high energy block, Big Bang.

 The process of fixed star made is about those that at first, space dusts called molecular gas were gathered by gravity, rubbed each other and its center become high temperature and pressure, then it began the nuclear reaction. But it gathered not all of nearly dusts, the rests, attracted by the fixed star, go round like a disk. Planets are guessed to appear from this disk. The process of planets made is like this that the small planets composed of the dusts go space at random, they become along with when some of those bump and bigger and more massive. The progress of the stars weren`t fare because the more massive or big stars have the more chance to bump other ones. Guess the situation that there are some ping pong balls and a basketball in the classroom, where is it that they seem to bump more frequently each other? Probably it`s around the basketball rather than ping pong balls. Add more, scale of stars let the effect of gravity valid. Thus bigger ones at the first of being made stars have more chance to be big. 

By the way, the reason of rotation of the earth is in this process. As I said, space dusts became to stars. Until this far, stars are forced each other by gravity and it`s only force in space, this fact let the law of momentum preservation valid. Therefore partly the momentum of materials sifted to angler momentum, it`s round moment. Strictly speaking, the earth is effected by the moon so speed of rotation decreases gradually (but very slowly, after 100 thousand years the day become only a second longer.) If you want to know more about this, you should study physics.
An interesting story here, the direction of rotation seems to be different for each stars, but seen from the view that the difference of angle of shaft, the direction is same. Moreover, in micro world, electron seems to spin to same direction. This is guessed the cause of magnetic force. However, this spin is not thinkable in our world, according to Einstein, there is no thing that faster than light. But if electron spins with the electron`s energy, the velocity is easily over the light, adding to this, an electron cannot turn unless double turn(720°). This is over our imagination.

Researchers have more questions about cosmos or micro world, and all of it is over our imagination. But let`s think about once on a time, Who thought the space exists? Who thought the earth isn`t center? Who thought the origin of cosmos? The world is filled with unthinkable but ordinary things if we know. It`s what is say “Truth is stranger than fiction”.:)


Philosophy of sun

Sun exists very naturally but mysteriously. Now we know it is a star, burning, sphere, center of solar system, will exhaust after 4.6billion years. But ancient people mustn`t know these facts. So they imagined the identity of the sun with appreciation for its warm, light and growing plants.
I shall introduce such a story, “the myth of five suns”.

The myth of five suns: This story was told as Aztec myth. According to this, the world had lost four times and at the current is 5th world. Each world has its sun, and all of the worlds get to an ending by big disaster.

The first world: Tezcatlipoca is god of this era. His name means a smoking mirror.
He is also god of night sky, north, ground, beauty, fight, or more broad way. He worked as a sun of earth, but after 676years (in ancient Azteca, a term is 52years, 676 is 13 times of it.) Quetzalcoatl, the god of second sun, defeated him and threw into water and sifted the position of sun. However, Tezcatlipoca transformed to a jaguar and ate all of people who were giant at that time.

The second world: Quetzalcoatl is god of this era. His name means a snake with bird wing.
He is thought to be god of west, culture, agriculture, wind and who brought a fire to human. He worked as a sun of wind. He is a rival to Tezcatlipoca so after 13 times of Aztec term Tezcatlipoca revenged him with very strong wind and then human transformed to apes, the second world got to an end.

The third world: Tlaloc is god of this era. His name means one sitting on earth.
He is god of rain and lightning, so he takes sometimes blessing rain or other times severe storm. He worked as a sun of rain. After 7 times of Aztec term ha was got into trouble that the fight of Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl and the fire rain Quetzalcoatl took made him out of sun position. Human in this world transformed to birds.

The fourth world: Chalciuhtlicue is goddess of this era. Her name means a woman with jade skirt.
She is goddess of water, youngness and passion. she worked as a sun of water. She was also got in trouble of them and Tezcatlipoca make big flood that wash out her from sun position. Human transformed to fish.

The fifth world: Tonatiuh is god of this era, this is the current world.
After destroy of fourth world, the earth was filled with water and a monster, Cipactli, the form is like a crocodile, live there. Tezcatlipoca use his leg as a food to attract the monster, it ate his leg and was caught by Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl. They made ground from its body. To reward this event, does human sacrifice to him human. Quetzalcoatl went to hell to find human`s bone which is origin of current human. After creating human from the bone, he also find a food for them, a corn.

This our world is predicted to ruin for big earthquake, it`s end of this world. But I think artificial sun, the nuclear weapon will. Don`t you think so? See you.



Once upon a time, in Babylonia, human beings believed that the world is like this that the ground is surrounded by ocean to high wall of end of the world to the well of sky. A day is repeated because the sun and moon show the face from a hole of the well.

Ancient thoughts of about the world were various ways in each culture. The ground and sky is one of the god or three gigantic elephants and a snake or…
The thoughts were limitless. But one common thing in them is to assume that the center of world is them. In details, they thought the all of earth is realm of they know and the stars including sun and moon go round for them. This thought is called a geocentric theory of universe (geo = earth, the thought of the center of universe is the earth.). It was popular until 17th century for reasons of religion and the lack of observational skills. At that time, majorly Christianity believed a geocentric theory and punished the other thought that the heliocentric theory (helio = sun, the thought of the center of universe is the sun.). Those who had insisted on the theory was taken to religious judgment and executed. However, the invention of telescope made the theory positive.

Telescope brought some evidence to make the geocentric theory negative, but people who insist on it denied the other because the moon goes around the earth surely. Guess that stars go around sun, the moon went away. However, at 1610 Galileo Galilee, a famous astronomer, had discovered moons of Jupiter and latterly, Johannes Kepler found out that the orbit of planet is elliptic (informal circle) and there are something like a magnetic force between sun to planet. After then, Isaac Newton noticed universal gravitation, what is the force. This series of discovery had great influence on astronomy. The belief of people at that time was broken perfectly, Got! We are not in center!

Today, we take it for granted the facts easily and we can learn it mostly in high school even have never seen the cosmos. Have you used a telescope to watch the sky carefully? I haven`t, only thought “that is the Orion.” But I know this because it`s written in a book or websites or textbooks. Even it`s so normal, a discovery may abruptly change this norm.
Recent examples, the discovery of swelling space broke the former theory of static space that even the Einstein believed. He also noticed the swelling space by solving a formula about the theory of relativity, but he denied that answer and added cosmological constant to get a static space. He said the constant is the biggest mistake in his life.  
And next is also his relative, the faster thing than light speed (Einstein confirmed it`s unchangeable and faster than anything in world) was said to been discover. If this was right, the norm of physics had been broken. Fortunately, the observational result was wrong.

Like them, it is possible to break the common sense by observing facts. Now It`s clever to watch something getting common sense away. I`m trying J