
Philosophy of sun

Sun exists very naturally but mysteriously. Now we know it is a star, burning, sphere, center of solar system, will exhaust after 4.6billion years. But ancient people mustn`t know these facts. So they imagined the identity of the sun with appreciation for its warm, light and growing plants.
I shall introduce such a story, “the myth of five suns”.

The myth of five suns: This story was told as Aztec myth. According to this, the world had lost four times and at the current is 5th world. Each world has its sun, and all of the worlds get to an ending by big disaster.

The first world: Tezcatlipoca is god of this era. His name means a smoking mirror.
He is also god of night sky, north, ground, beauty, fight, or more broad way. He worked as a sun of earth, but after 676years (in ancient Azteca, a term is 52years, 676 is 13 times of it.) Quetzalcoatl, the god of second sun, defeated him and threw into water and sifted the position of sun. However, Tezcatlipoca transformed to a jaguar and ate all of people who were giant at that time.

The second world: Quetzalcoatl is god of this era. His name means a snake with bird wing.
He is thought to be god of west, culture, agriculture, wind and who brought a fire to human. He worked as a sun of wind. He is a rival to Tezcatlipoca so after 13 times of Aztec term Tezcatlipoca revenged him with very strong wind and then human transformed to apes, the second world got to an end.

The third world: Tlaloc is god of this era. His name means one sitting on earth.
He is god of rain and lightning, so he takes sometimes blessing rain or other times severe storm. He worked as a sun of rain. After 7 times of Aztec term ha was got into trouble that the fight of Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl and the fire rain Quetzalcoatl took made him out of sun position. Human in this world transformed to birds.

The fourth world: Chalciuhtlicue is goddess of this era. Her name means a woman with jade skirt.
She is goddess of water, youngness and passion. she worked as a sun of water. She was also got in trouble of them and Tezcatlipoca make big flood that wash out her from sun position. Human transformed to fish.

The fifth world: Tonatiuh is god of this era, this is the current world.
After destroy of fourth world, the earth was filled with water and a monster, Cipactli, the form is like a crocodile, live there. Tezcatlipoca use his leg as a food to attract the monster, it ate his leg and was caught by Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl. They made ground from its body. To reward this event, does human sacrifice to him human. Quetzalcoatl went to hell to find human`s bone which is origin of current human. After creating human from the bone, he also find a food for them, a corn.

This our world is predicted to ruin for big earthquake, it`s end of this world. But I think artificial sun, the nuclear weapon will. Don`t you think so? See you.

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