

Once upon a time, in Babylonia, human beings believed that the world is like this that the ground is surrounded by ocean to high wall of end of the world to the well of sky. A day is repeated because the sun and moon show the face from a hole of the well.

Ancient thoughts of about the world were various ways in each culture. The ground and sky is one of the god or three gigantic elephants and a snake or…
The thoughts were limitless. But one common thing in them is to assume that the center of world is them. In details, they thought the all of earth is realm of they know and the stars including sun and moon go round for them. This thought is called a geocentric theory of universe (geo = earth, the thought of the center of universe is the earth.). It was popular until 17th century for reasons of religion and the lack of observational skills. At that time, majorly Christianity believed a geocentric theory and punished the other thought that the heliocentric theory (helio = sun, the thought of the center of universe is the sun.). Those who had insisted on the theory was taken to religious judgment and executed. However, the invention of telescope made the theory positive.

Telescope brought some evidence to make the geocentric theory negative, but people who insist on it denied the other because the moon goes around the earth surely. Guess that stars go around sun, the moon went away. However, at 1610 Galileo Galilee, a famous astronomer, had discovered moons of Jupiter and latterly, Johannes Kepler found out that the orbit of planet is elliptic (informal circle) and there are something like a magnetic force between sun to planet. After then, Isaac Newton noticed universal gravitation, what is the force. This series of discovery had great influence on astronomy. The belief of people at that time was broken perfectly, Got! We are not in center!

Today, we take it for granted the facts easily and we can learn it mostly in high school even have never seen the cosmos. Have you used a telescope to watch the sky carefully? I haven`t, only thought “that is the Orion.” But I know this because it`s written in a book or websites or textbooks. Even it`s so normal, a discovery may abruptly change this norm.
Recent examples, the discovery of swelling space broke the former theory of static space that even the Einstein believed. He also noticed the swelling space by solving a formula about the theory of relativity, but he denied that answer and added cosmological constant to get a static space. He said the constant is the biggest mistake in his life.  
And next is also his relative, the faster thing than light speed (Einstein confirmed it`s unchangeable and faster than anything in world) was said to been discover. If this was right, the norm of physics had been broken. Fortunately, the observational result was wrong.

Like them, it is possible to break the common sense by observing facts. Now It`s clever to watch something getting common sense away. I`m trying J

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